Mississippi Humanities Council

  • Interpreting Our History & Culture
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Professional Wrestling in Mississippi: Where Pop Culture Meets History

This presentation from Jeffrey Martin explores many of the themes and topics dealt with in Martin’s debut book, Professional Wrestling in Mississippi: A History. Among these subjects are the rise in leisure time post-civil war, the illegalization and eventual legislation to re-legalize boxing, wrestling, and prize fighting, the usage of historic buildings throughout the state, the territorial wresting system that split Mississippi wrestling into three regions akin to traditional geographic regions in the state, and the globalization of the industry and the secondary market it created for the “sport.”

The presentation also explores many of the colorful characters in this activity that sprang out of the carnival circuit. Among these are German Immigrant and Mississippi wrestling mogul Billy Romanoff, aggressive territory builder Lester Welch, the tremendously successful Jerry Jarrett, The hard-nosed “Cowboy” Bill Watts and Leroy McGuirk, and the Mississippi traditionalists of the Curtis/Culkin family, not to mention a host of squirrely mat practitioners. Enjoyable by historians and wrestling enthusiasts alike, this presentation is sure to be a hit with all, bringing back memories of there childhood, eccentric family members, and more.

Speakers Expertise:

A lifelong Mississippian, Jeffrey Martin has worked as a public librarian in the state for more than a decade. He received his B.A E.D. in English Education from the University of Mississippi and his M.L.I.S from the University of Southern Mississippi. In his spare time, he enjoys studying history, pop culture, and sports. His first book, Professional Wrestling in Mississippi: A History was released in June 2023 with The History Press.


Jeffrey Martin
Library Manager, Itawamba County Pratt Memorial Library
