Now that we have addressed the digital divide in the state with our past IOT event, we want to discuss the future of tech in Mississippi. So, on Wednesday November 3rd we will host another IOT with the Bean Path to examine Mississippi’s bright future in tech. Hear from Dr. Nashlie Sephus, (creator and founder […]
The Central Mississippi Blues Society, Inc., with support from Visit Jackson, the Mississippi Humanities Council, South Arts, Mississippi Blues Foundation and affiliates National Endowment for the Humanities, National Endowment for the Arts and Mississippi Arts Commission, will celebrate Jackson’s bicentennial with a two-day “blues” extravaganza. The headliner for all events will be international blues star, […]
The Catfish Row Museum in Vicksburg will host Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, a Smithsonian traveling exhibition, from November 19, 2022 until January 20, 2024. The exhibit is free and open to the public. Voices and Votes is a traveling exhibit offered by the Museum on Main Street division of the Smithsonian Institution. It […]
The exhibit honors 12 individuals that challenged Mississippi and America to be a more perfect union, truly expanding liberty and justice for all. These twelve individuals are: Fannie Lou Hamer, Amzie Moore, Annie Devine, Medgar Evers, Lawrence Guyot, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Clarie Collins Harvey, Aaron Henry, John R. Lynch, Thomas W. Stringer, Unita Blackwell, and […]
As part of the "Democracy and the Informed Citizen" Initiative, administered by the Mississippi Humanities Council with support from the Mellon Foundation, the staff of The Pine Belt News will give the public a chance to learn about the performance of local school districts – and the individual schools within them – with an upcoming […]