Crossroads @ Mt. Olive: Traditional Fiddle Music of the Rural South

Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 501 Cotton Street, Mt. Olive, MS, United States

On October 31, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host Bill Rogers to present a program on traditional fuddle music of the rural South. The free […]


Crossroads @ Mt. Olive: Impact of Rural Electrification

Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 501 Cotton Street, Mt. Olive, MS, United States

On November 7, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host Steve Bryant from Southern Pine Electric Power Association to discuss the impact of rural electrification on […]


Crossroads @ Mt. Olive: Railroads in the Development of South Mississippi

Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 501 Cotton Street, Mt. Olive, MS, United States

On November 14, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host railroad historian Rev. David Price to present a program on the impact of railroads on development […]


Crossroads @ Mt. Olive: Centennial Farms in the Mt. Olive Area

Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 501 Cotton Street, Mt. Olive, MS, United States

On November 21, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host the Covington County Genealogical and Historical Society to present a program on Centennial Farms in the […]


Crossroads @ Mt. Olive: Hometown Makeover Screening

Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 501 Cotton Street, Mt. Olive, MS, United States

On November 28, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will present a free screening of the "Mt. Olive Hometown Makeover" video submitted to the HGTV "Hometown Makeover" contest […]


Community Conversations: War and Homecoming Across the Humanities

Oxford Lafayette Library 401 Bramlett Blvd , Oxford, MS, United States

University of Mississippi students, under the guidance of faculty and staff, will lead community discussions on the the war and homecoming, based on humanities texts (Homer's "Odyssey," Maximilian Uriarte's graphic […]

MS + MA: Crossing Borders/Connecting Stories

The Mississippi Humanities Council and Mass Humanities announce a series of six interactive, online programs to facilitate conversation between our two states. We will be examining intersecting points in our […]


SB: Fault Lines: Living in Two Cultures

Seetha Srinivasan, director emeritus of the University Press of Mississippi, discusses becoming a part of the American mainstream while retaining one’s ethnic (in this case Indian) identity and asks the […]

Crossroads @ Mt. Olive: The History and Development of Mt. Olive

Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 501 Cotton Street, Mt. Olive, MS, United States

On December 12, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host Sandra Boyd, local archivist and librarian, to present her program "Mt. Olive: History & Development." The program […]


Ideas on Tap: Polarized: Politics and News in a Divided America

On December 15, join the Mississippi Humanities Council for a conversation on the polarization of American news and politics. The program will address the U.S.'s increasing division over political beliefs, how news silos have affected how we determine truth and reality, and what to do to combat the current polarization. Panelists include Dr. Talia Stroud […]
