Southern Wisdom from Delta Church Mothers

Neshoba County Library 230 W Beacon St, Philadelphia, MS, United States

Award-winning journalist Alysia Burton Steele's Delta Jewels: In Search of My Grandmother's Wisdom is a visual and lyrical tribute to African American church mothers from the Mississippi Delta. This groundbreaking collection of oral histories and photographs tells nationally and internationally significant stories rooted in the Mississippi Delta, a distinctive region called "The Cradle of American […]

The Early Pioneer Setters 1790-1840

Mantachie Elementary School 311 Mustang Dr, Mantachie, MS, United States

A living history program about the early pioneer settlers in Mississippi. Discussion centers around how they dressed, built their homes, produced and cooked their food, the use of flintlock rifles for hunting and protection of their homesteads, building fire using flint-and-steel, grinding corn in hollow stumps, children's homemade toys and music on the mountain dulcimer. […]

Speakers Bureau: Why We Call it Soul Food

First Regional Library 307 West Commerce St, Hernando, MS, United States

"Why We Call It Soul Food" tells the story of why southerners, especially African American southerners, call the foods we eat "soul food." Dr. Willis discusses the emotional and physical aspects of soul food as it relates to our culture and history. She also discusses the bonds attached to the growing, nurturing and preparation of […]

Speakers Bureau: Mississippi Telling

Oxford Lafayette Library 401 Bramlett Blvd , Oxford, MS, United States

The presenter provides an overview of the storytelling Renaissance in America with emphasis upon the oral tradition in Mississippi. The literary tradition of Mississippi owes much to the rich storytelling legacy that riddles the tales of our families and our communities as reflected in the works of many of our best authors: Welty, Wright, Faulkner, […]

Speakers Bureau: Music of the War Between the States

Heritage Academy 623 Willowbrook Dr., Columbus, MS, United States

Music of this period played on the Appalachian Mountain dulcimer, banjo-mier and wooden spoons. Period clothing worn. Audience may help play the spoons. Mr. Arinder has studied Early American and Native American cultures for nearly 50 years, assembling a sizeable collection of artifacts which he uses to leade living history programs for local schools, civic […]