The Winning the Race Conference was developed with three overarching goals: engage in conversations with campus and community constituencies that will build an appreciation for diversity differences and a spirit of community through shared ideas; promote a broad discourse on race relations by building conversations to bring together diverse communities in the Delta through sharing of […]
Join this panel discussion and learn how researchers across the university use FOIA to access valuable government information for their research.
In the early 19th century, Jewish immigrants from Europe began to arrive in the Magnolia State, settling initially in towns along the Mississippi River. Concentrating in retail trade, these Jews became visible symbols of economic modernity and market capitalism in Mississippi. Throughout much of their history, Mississippi Jews have worked to lessen the cultural differences […]
Dr. Becky Marchiel will discuss her research on urban history and capitalism and the important role government documents have played in her research process. Attendees will be able to browse related materials from our Federal Documents collection and Department of Archives and Special Collections.
The 2018 Sammy O. Cranford Memorial History Lecture will feature Dr. Stephen Berry, Gregory Professor of the Civil War Era in the Department of History at the University of Georgia. Dr. Berry’s lecture will explore his innovative digital history project, “CSI: Dixie.” The lecture will take place on Delta State's campus in the Jobe Auditorium.
Award-winning journalist Alysia Burton Steele’s Delta Jewels: In Search of My Grandmother’s Wisdom is a visual and lyrical tribute to African American church mothers from the Mississippi Delta. This groundbreaking collection of oral histories and photographs tells nationally and internationally significant stories rooted in the Mississippi Delta, a distinctive region called “The Cradle of American Culture” by […]
An exhibit titled "Through the Lens of Carl Brown: Lowndes County in the 1940s-1950s" will be on display at the Columbus-Lowndes Public Library from April 9-27. An opening reception will be held Monday, April 9 at 5 p.m. The exhibit represents the culmination of a year-long project undertaken by the library's Local History Department (LHD) […]
In this presentation, the author of Dispatches from Pluto gives a behind-the-scenes account of researching and writing the popular book and explores the unique culture of the Mississippi Delta. In his best-selling book, Dispatches From Pluto, he brings an incisive yet sympathetic eye to the culture of the Mississippi Delta. He now makes his home in Jackson, and […]
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