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Lecture by Dr. Jaime Harker with reception to follow. Jaime Harker holds a Ph.D. in English from Temple University. She is a professor of English and the director of the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies at the University of Mississippi, where she teachers American literature, gay and lesbian literature, and gender studies. […]
Springboard for Opportunities invites you to an evening of celebration as their middle school students present the books they created based on the lives of Mississippi Civil Rights veterans. A Light reception will follow the presentation. Please contact Sarah Stripp at or (769) 251-0924 with any questions regarding the event.
The free, family-oriented event hosts people and tribes from all over the country and includes traditional Native American dances, dancing competitions, music and art, as well as food and vendors. The Petal Southern Miss Powwow brings people together to meet and greet and become aware of the Choctaw presence and the Indian presence in the […]
A celebration and presentation of stories collected by Providence M.B. Church's program, Testimonies: Stories of Race and Reconciliation in the Mississippi Delta. Details TBA.
A living history program about the early pioneer settlers in Mississippi. Discussion centers around how they dressed, built their homes, produced and cooked their food, the use of flintlock rifles for hunting and protection of their homesteads, building fire using flint-and-steel, grinding corn in hollow stumps, children’s homemade toys and music on the mountain dulcimer. […]
Join the Mississippi Humanities Council, the Women's Foundation of Mississippi, and Rethink Mississippi on April 24 at Hal and Mal's for the fourth and final installment of our spring series "Emerging Mississippi." On April 24, we'll be discussing media and news coverage in Mississippi in the 21st century. We'll discuss how news is disseminated, how people choose to receive their news, […]
A representative from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, USCIS, will discuss the steps to naturalization and answer questions about the process. UM Libraries’ Citizenship Resource Corner will be highlighted as a source for local information.
On April 26, the Mississippi Humanities Council and the Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies at the University of Mississippi will host "Ideas on Tap: What Do We Commemorate & Why?" at Proud Larry's in Oxford. The program will feature Dr. Charles Ross, Director of African American Studies & Professor of History at the […]