Water/Ways @ Ocean Springs: Living Shorelines Master Naturalists

Ocean Springs Municipal Library 525 Dewey Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS, United States

Program details TBA Water/Ways is a traveling exhibit offered by the Museum on Main Street division of the Smithsonian Institution. The exhibit explores water’s connection to all aspects of our society, including the endless motion of the water cycle, water’s effect on landscape, settlement and migration, and its impact on culture and spirituality. Exhibit hours are Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm […]


Water/Ways @ Ocean Springs: Water-related Story & Craft Time

Ocean Springs Municipal Library 525 Dewey Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS, United States

On November 7, the Ocean Springs Municipal Library will host a water-related story and craft time for families. Parents are encouraged to bring their preschool-aged children for story time and crafts with children’s librarian Maureen Downey. The free program will take place in conjunction with the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Water/Ways, on display at the Ocean Springs Municipal […]


The Power of Language: The Tempest

Cedar Lake Christian Academy 11555 Cedar Lake Rd., Biloxi, MS

This version of The Tempest will be an immersive theatre experience that engages the audience as part of the play and they will take part in the language. The themes of The Tempest  will be analyzed and discussed, the use of power, morality and forgiveness. Students will also look at the historical context of the play. Shakespeare wrote […]

The Power of Language: The Tempest

Gulfport High School 100 Perry St., Gulfport, MS

This version of The Tempest will be an immersive theatre experience that engages the audience as part of the play and they will take part in the language. The themes of The Tempest  will be analyzed and discussed, the use of power, morality and forgiveness. Students will also look at the historical context of the play. Shakespeare wrote […]

Water/Ways @ Ocean Springs: Teen Science Cafe

Program details TBA. Water/Ways is a traveling exhibit offered by the Museum on Main Street division of the Smithsonian Institution. The exhibit explores water’s connection to all aspects of our society, including the endless motion of the water cycle, water’s effect on landscape, settlement and migration, and its impact on culture and spirituality. Exhibit hours are Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm […]


Water/Ways @ Ocean Springs: USM Marine Education Center Tour

USM Gulf Coast Research Lab Marine Education Center 101 Sweetbay Drive, Ocean Springs, MS, United States

On November 10, the Ocean Springs Municipal Library and the University of Southern Mississippi's Gulf Coast Research Lab's Marine Education Center will offer a free tour of the MEC followed by a free program, titled "Keeping it Green & Resilient (Storm Ready)." The tour and program will feature Chris Snyder and David Perkes, both of […]


Flute Lecture-Recital: “Music and Politics under the Nazi Regime”

Marsh Auditorium, USM 111 Southern Drive, Hattiesburg, MS

This lecture-recital by Austrian flutist Ulrike Anton and pianist Russell Ryan (Arizona State University) examines the political circumstances of six composers who were persecuted, exiled, or killed by the Nazis.

Performing Jazz Diasporas from Africa to the U.S. to France

Mississippi State University Campus Starkville, MS

Specialist in Performance studies, performer, Humanities postdoctoral fellow from Stanford, and Associate Professor in Africana Studies in Williams College, Dr. Rashida K. Braggs will discuss her most recent book, Jazz Diasporas: Race, Music and Migration in Post-World War II Paris, with members of the Starkville and University community at Mississippi State University. Her book considers negotiations […]

Water/Ways @ Ocean Springs: Water-related Story & Craft Time

Ocean Springs Municipal Library 525 Dewey Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS, United States

On November 14, the Ocean Springs Municipal Library will host a water-related story and craft time for families. Parents are encouraged to bring their preschool-aged children for story time and crafts with children’s librarian Maureen Downey. The free program will take place in conjunction with the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Water/Ways, on display at the Ocean Springs Municipal […]


The Orators: In the Pursuit of “Happyness”

Mississippi State University Bost Theater, Starkville, MS

The Shackouls Honors College is pleased to continue The Orators program on Wednesday, November 14 with Dr. Corey Keyes. Dr. Keyes, a sociologist and a psychologist in the Department of Sociology at Emory University, will present “Finding Me Through The Search for Happiness” at 2 p.m. Griffis Hall, Room 401 on the MSU campus. As […]

Water/Ways @ Ocean Springs: Oysters & Seafood Safety/Terrapins & TEDs

Ocean Springs Municipal Library 525 Dewey Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS, United States

On November 15, the Ocean Springs Municipal Library will host a free and open to the public about seafood and wildlife on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The program will feature Jessica Rankin and Avery Sward, both from the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources. The free program will take place in conjunction with the Smithsonian traveling […]


Water/Ways @ Ocean Springs: N2RH2O Kayak & Canoe Trip

On November 17, the Ocean Springs Municipal Library is encouraging Coast residents to join in a free kayak and canoe trip around Jackson County. The trip, "Get N2RH2O!" will celebrate the community's proximity to and connection with water. The free trip will take place in conjunction with the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Water/Ways, on display at the […]
