2017 Old Tishomingo County Genealogy Fair

Waldron St. Christian Church 816 Waldron St., Corinth , MS, United States

Alcorn County Genealogy Society, Prentiss County Genealogical & Historical Society, and Tishomingo County Historical & Genealogical Society will engage the services of scholars specialized in Grave Dowsing, Research available at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History with emphasis on African-American and Native American Genealogy, and DNA research.

No Cost

Levitt AMP Hattiesburg Music Series presents LOS POBOYCITOS

Chain Park Hattiesburg , MS

Join in the Fun Bring your lawn chair and enjoy Mississippi’s musical culture on Friday evenings this summer with the Levitt AMP Hattiesburg Music Series! This is apart of a 10-week music series taking place at 7pm at Chain Park during July, August and part of September (final dates and performers TBA). Chain Park will […]

No Cost

Mississippi Literary Map

The Mississippi Literary Map project will create an updates visual map of Mississippi's authors. It will feature diverse mix of classic and emerging voices from the state. Copies of the map will be on display in Mississippi's public libraries and distributed to the state's 13 welcome centers, with public programming at three library sites at […]

No Cost

2017 Old Tishomingo County Genealogy Fair

Waldron St. Christian Church 816 Waldron St., Corinth , MS, United States

Alcorn County Genealogy Society, Prentiss County Genealogical & Historical Society, and Tishomingo County Historical & Genealogical Society will engage the services of scholars specialized in Grave Dowsing, Research available at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History with emphasis on African-American and Native American Genealogy, and DNA research.

No Cost

Mississippi Book Festival

Mississippi State Capitol 400 High St, Jackson, MS, United States

A Literary Lawn Party: August 19, 2017!  FREE ADMISSION | FREE PARKING | OPEN TO PUBLIC 150+ Authors | 30+ Panels | Live Interviews | Book Signings | Kid Activities | Capitol Tours The Mississippi Book Festival’s annual “literary lawn party” on the grounds of the Mississippi State Capitol Building turns the historic landmark into a […]

No Cost

Mississippi Marathon Read

State Capitol, Room 204 400 High Street, Jackson, MS, United States

The MHC is proud to partner with the Mississippi Library Commission in the first ever Mississippi Marathon Read at the Mississippi Book Festival August 19! Come celebrate the publication of the new Mississippi Literary Map, funded by a Bicentennial Grant from MHC and Visit Mississippi.  From 9:30 to 5, 15 Festival panelists will read from […]

Women of Mississippi on Film

Locals Restaurant & Bar 309 North Lamar, Oxford, MS, United States

The Oxford Film Festival and Sarah Isom Center are teaming up to celebrate the image of the Mississippi women in the Centennial celebration. With 6 films as part of the monthly series, the two will screen a film and then lead a panel discussion about the main female protagonist in each film and the interpretation […]

No Cost

Sunset Presentation of the Blues Documentary “M for Mississippi” in Deweese Park

Deweese Park 802 Holland Ave , Philadelphia, MS, United States

Take part in the Neshoba County Red Clay Hills Bicentennial Celebration!  Bring the family. some chairs and blankets, to Deweese Park to join the Neshoba County Red Clay Hills Bicentennial Celebration in watching the interesting documentary, M for Mississippi at Sundown! (And maybe even get the chance to hear some live blues!) Admission is free and concessions […]

No Cost

Monday Movie Nights at the Delta Blues Museum presents The Blues Brothers (1980)

Delta Blues Museum 1 Blues Alley , Clarksdale , MS

August is John Lee Hooker Month at the Museum, and the blues legend makes an appearance in this iconic film–as do many other Mississippi blues artists. August 22, 2017, marks what would have been Hooker’s centennial birthday. Museum events planned for August include 30th Annual Sunflower River Blues & Gospel Festival performances and a special exhibit […]

No Cost

The History of This Place: Mississippi’s Bicentennial in Itawamba County

Itawamba County Welcome Center Highway 78 , Tremont , MS, United States

WELCOME CENTER CELEBRATION  Itawamba County is blessed to have one of the thirteen Welcome Centers in Mississippi. The Itawamba County Welcome Center is located in the northeastern area of the State, known as the Hills region. Perched on a hillside at the western tip of the Appalachians, the Welcome Center overlooks Interstate 22 and evokes […]

No Cost

Speakers Bureau: Historic Journey of African American Quilters

Delta Blues Museum 1 Blues Alley , Clarksdale , MS

Diane Williams, storyteller and fiber artist, begins her presentation with a discussion of Kente cloth weaved fibers of West Africa and moves on to utilitarian quilts made by African slaves in America who sewed for their owners. She provides a reflective look at how the designs of Underground Railroad quilts relate to storytelling, and explores […]

No Cost

Levitt AMP Hattiesburg Music Series presents BRONWYNNE BRENT

Chain Park Hattiesburg , MS

Join in the Fun Bring your lawn chair and enjoy Mississippi’s musical culture on Friday evenings this summer with the Levitt AMP Hattiesburg Music Series! This is apart of a 10-week music series taking place at 7pm at Chain Park during July, August and part of September (final dates and performers TBA). Chain Park will […]

No Cost