Community Conversations: War and Homecoming Across the Humanities

Oxford Lafayette Library 401 Bramlett Blvd , Oxford, MS, United States

University of Mississippi students, under the guidance of faculty and staff, will lead community discussions on the the war and homecoming, based on humanities texts (Homer's "Odyssey," Maximilian Uriarte's graphic […]

MS + MA: Crossing Borders/Connecting Stories

The Mississippi Humanities Council and Mass Humanities announce a series of six interactive, online programs to facilitate conversation between our two states. We will be examining intersecting points in our […]


SB: Fault Lines: Living in Two Cultures

Seetha Srinivasan, director emeritus of the University Press of Mississippi, discusses becoming a part of the American mainstream while retaining one’s ethnic (in this case Indian) identity and asks the […]

Crossroads @ Mt. Olive: The History and Development of Mt. Olive

Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church 501 Cotton Street, Mt. Olive, MS, United States

On December 12, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host Sandra Boyd, local archivist and librarian, to present her program "Mt. Olive: History & Development." The program […]


MS+MA: Inside/Out–The Lessons of Freedom Summer

The second “MS + MA: Crossing Borders/Connecting Stories” dialogue will take place Jan. 14, 2021, and will be entitled, "Inside/Out—The Lessons of Freedom Summer,” where we will explore the connections […]

“Crossroads” Exhibit in Scooba

Tubb-May Memorial Library 1512 Kemper Street, Scooba, MS, United States

East Mississippi Community College will host Crossroads: Change in Rural America, a Smithsonian traveling exhibition, from February 8 through March 12. The exhibit will be on display in the Tubb-May […]


Music: A Universal Language

New Hope Baptist Church's annual Black history celebration. The 2021 event celebrates music as an instrument to connect people through all social, economic, and cultural barriers. More details TBA.