The Library of Hattiesburg, Petal, and Forrest County will host Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, a Smithsonian traveling exhibition, from March 28 through May 14. The exhibit is open to the public Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-5:30 pm, and Friday-Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm.
Voices and Votes is a traveling exhibit offered by the Museum on Main Street division of the Smithsonian Institution. It consists of six free-standing display units incorporating photographs, text, and numerous interactive elements. Requiring a minimum of 650 sq. ft., the exhibit is designed for smaller venues to achieve Museum on Main Street’s goal of bringing the Smithsonian to small town America. The exhibit is free and open to the public to visit.
Voices and Votes: Democracy in America traces the bold American experiment of a government run by and for the people. The exhibit examines the influences that shaped the early days of American democracy and the changes that have occurred in the nearly 250 years since.
Democracy is a form of government that requires civic engagement and participation. It is formed by citizens’ responses to ongoing questions: What are the rights and responsibilities of citizens? What is the role of the government in American life? How do citizens participate in democracy? Beginning with the American Revolution, this exhibition explores these questions and more.
In addition to hosting the exhibit, the library will also host a series of programs that are free and open to the public.
Voices and Votes events in Hattiesburg:
March 28, 5:30 pm: Opening reception and presentation from Hattiesburg mayor Toby Barker, “All Politics is Local – Campaigning South Mississippi Style”
March 31, 2pm: Thursday Theater, Lincoln
April 11, 6pm: Presentation from Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson, “Mississippi’s Initiative Process: What it was, what it is, what it can be”
April 14, 2pm: Thursday Theater, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
April 22, 6pm: Presentation from Hattiesburg attorney Michael Adelman, “An Equal Opportunity to Participate: The Change in Hattiesburg Municipal Government, 1984”
April 28, 2pm: Thursday Theater, All the King’s Men
May 2, 6pm: Presentation from Voices and Votes state scholar Dr. Rebecca Tuuri, “Democracy in Mississippi: Race, Violence and Power in the Struggle for the Vote”