The Rust College, Division of Humanities, French Film Festival for ‘The Young Who Want to go to France’ is a public program film festival combined with a real-aloud workshop of dissertations and film criticism essays on black bodies in cinema. We will also host a writing workshop to expand upon on our current journal-writing/personal narrative project – to be digitized in the future.
Film screenings: April 4, 5, 6, 11, 12.
- Read-alouds of the following dissertations:
– See Me Show Me: Black Women Representation in Television Sitcoms by Dr. Lauryn Jennings (April 4)
– Scripting the Black Body in Popular Media by Dr. Ronald L. Jackson (April 5)
– Revaluing the Black Body: Changing the Visual Narrative by Dr. Thomas Allen Harris (April 6)
– Where is the Black Barbie? An Analysis of the Media Portrayals of Single Black Women by BreOnna Tindall (April 11)
- Piano performance of Thelonious Monk’s ‘Bright Mississippi’ by Pianist/Assistant Professor of Piano, Maeve Brophy. (April 5)
- Lecture/Discussion by Languages and Literature Chair, Dr. John Blumer, on the subject of the wrap party during Jim Crow at Rowan Oak following the filming of the adaptation of William Faulkner’s novel ‘Intruder in the Dust.’ (April 11)
- Performance by the Rust College A’Cappella Choir under the direction of Dr. Karl Twyner, Dean of Humanities. (April 12)
Graded and archived personal narrative coursework expanded to include journaling the film festival experience by Rust College students – this is part of an ongoing writing project that will be digitized, published and archived.
The venue for all talks and screenings: Morehouse Auditorium, Natalie Doxey Fine Arts Building, Rust College campus.