Northwest Mississippi Community College will host Crossroads: Change in Rural America, a Smithsonian traveling exhibition, from September 14 through October 22. The exhibit is open to the public Mondays-Thursdays from 8am to 9pm, Fridays from 8am-3:30pm, and Sundays 2-7pm.
Crossroads is a traveling exhibit offered by the Museum on Main Street division of the Smithsonian Institution. It consists of six free-standing display units incorporating photographs, text, and numerous interactive elements. Requiring a minimum of 750 sq. ft., the exhibit is designed for smaller venues to achieve Museum on Main Street’s goal of bringing the Smithsonian to small town America. The exhibit is free and open to the public to visit. The Mississippi tour of Crossroads is sponsored by a generous grant from Entergy Mississippi.
Crossroads: Change in Rural America offers small towns a chance to look at their own paths to highlight the changes that affected their fortunes over the past century. The exhibition will prompt discussions about what happened when America’s rural population became a minority of the country’s population and the ripple effects that occurred.
In addition to hosting the exhibit, Northwest will also host a series of programs that are free and open to the public.
Crossroads events in Senatobia:
September 25, 11am: “Exploring Rural Mississippi Through Population Studies” lecture
September 29, 6pm: “Mississippi Foodways” Speakers Bureau program
October 6, 2pm: Virtual book discussion, Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
October 16, 11am: “Cultural Appropriation at the Crossroads” lecture
October 20, 7pm: Bluegrass concert featuring local musician Andy Ratliff